The Universal Smart Instrument (USI) is an innovative Open Channel Flow monitoring instrument and data logger that delivers multi-parameter measurements including flow and water quality in a single device.
The Universal Smart Instrument (USI) is an innovative Open Channel Flow monitoring instrument and data logger that delivers multi-parameter measurements including flow and water quality in a single device. Several standard instruments can therefore, be replaced by a single USI in a wide range of clean water and wastewater applications. Standard unit comprises 1xultrasonic sensor for flow measurement, 3 non-isolated 4-20mA inputs and 2 isolated 4-20mA outputs, 1 dedicated pH/Redox input, Ethernet and RS422 or Modbus communications. 6 programmable relays. The USI can input variables from other 4-20mA devices or from up to 4 Modbus sensors for control and measurement. For full details of the USI’s range of measurement and control refer to the product brochure.
- Up to two sensors as standard
- 9 standard tank shapes and 32-point look up table
- Quick and simple user-friendly Windows programming
- Integral 30-year data logger
- PC based reporting software
- IP 65 Wall mounted weatherproof enclosure
- 6 Programmable relays
- 4-20mA inputs and outputs
- Level, volume and Tonnes measurement
- Solids and liquids measurement
- Pump control
- Position measurement
- Non-contact measurement
- Chemical, Food, mining, Pharmaceutical and many more industries
The USI level meter allows level, volume, distance and tonnes to be measured simultaneously in up to two tanks.
If only one tank measurement is required choose none for the second sensor choice.
Choose the sensor relevant to the height of your tank. The sensor ranges quoted are for tanks at ambient temperatures of no more than 20 degrees containing liquids.
Influencing factors such as temperature, steam, foam, dust and solids will reduce the effective measurement range. IF in doubt consult Smart Storm for further advice.
Isolated 4-20mA inputs are required where the input cable may be subject to high voltage spikes either from other electrical machinery or lightening. This could seriously damage the USI and in such applications isolated inputs should be added as an option.
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