Our USI multi parameter instrument has a large touch screen graphic display and intuitive pictorial menu choices, making it ‘plug and play’ in a user manual world.
The problem over the decades has been that industrial instruments have been left behind in their development compared to consumer products such as mobile phones, sat-navs, computers etc. Our response was to develop products that utilise this technology to significantly improve performance and reduce the bills for our customers. The Universal Smart Instrument is our flagship product that best encapsulates this; the multi parameter instrument, with windows-based operating system, removes the need for several standard instruments whilst considerably improving the user experience.

The Universal Smart Instrument
Our USI multi parameter instrument has a large touch screen graphic display and intuitive pictorial menu choices, making it ‘plug and play’ in a user manual world.
Our background as a company stems from the university sector and in particular research and development. The USI is itself the culmination of 4 years research and development. Our UK based software and digital engineers work in an agile environment to ensure continual innovation, which is key in the established Water and Wastewater industry. This allows us to develop dynamic software and identify leading hardware technologies to deliver an intuitive experience for the end user.
For flow, level and water quality, the USI is an intelligent and intuitive instrument for monitoring trade effluent. Contact our team for additional information and pricing.