Smart Storm Ltd move their head office to Bangor.

Dr Duffy, the company founder and Managing Director is a Bangor University Graduate and he has always had a goal to bring his company to North Wales. Dr Duffy is passionate about the region and contributing to the North Wales economy, creating high quality jobs and developing research programmes with Bangor University. Already, Smart Storm has established a Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) with the Electronics Department at the University.

In the established Water and Waste Water Industry innovation is a necessity for growth. Smart Storm utilise the latest technologies in their instrumentation to ensure the most accurate measurement, whilst offering a truly unique user-friendly experience, not seen in other instruments. Large touch screen graphic displays and intuitive pictorial menu choices make the Smart Storm product range ‘plug and play’ in a user manual world.

Dr Duffy, believes that the company’s continual commitment to the development and investment is key to their success, “The problem over the decades has been that industrial instruments have been left behind in their development compared to consumer products such as mobile phones, satnavs, computers etc. Our response was to develop products that utilise this technology to significantly improve performance and reduce the bills for our customers”. The Universal Smart Instrument is their flagship product that best incapsulates this; the multi parameter instrument, with windows-based operating system, removes the need for several standard instruments whilst considerably improving the user experience.


01422 363462

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